DIY French English Accent
The French English Accent is a fantastic option to have in your tool kit. Its a great option for a European accent. Play the sexy character or the baddie. It just gives you an edge. Here are some examples of the French english accent.
This is an instant all-access course, do it in your own time.
Settle in as I walk you through the characteristic sounds of the French English Accent including the pronunciation of different sounds, words, phrases, and full sentences.
Once you’ve signed up, you’ll receive six short and easy to follow video lessons conducted by me, Sarah Valentine, a professional accent coach. This ‘do it yourself’ accent course allows you to go at your pace and self direct your learning.
Once finished, you’ll be able to continue accessing the course so you can repeat it until you have the accent just right. This course will familiarise actors and voice actors with the basics of the French English Accent and even help those who simply want to sound more native.
This course is fun and full of great learning for any actor wanting to sink their teeth into a new accent.
The Valentine Method
Create Your Spark
Instant & Lifetime Access
6 Video Lessons
Activities & Resources
Accent Guide
Downloadable Worksheets
Bonus Lesson
Course Breakdown
Over 10 days, you’ll receive easy to follow video lessons that will guide you through the accents.
Rest days have been included so not to overwhelm you and to give you a chance to catch up on your homework.
Day 1 - Getting Familiar and Introductions
We begin with familiarising yourself with the course platform (Ruzuku) and how to use it so you get the most out of it.
Day 2 - The Valentine Method
You’ll learn about the importance of phonetics and my special ‘Valentine Method’.
Day 3 - Create your Spark
Straight into creating your Spark – what triggers you into your accent? This is a wonderful technique that helps you to kick off your accent every time.
Day 4 - Sounds to Practice
Day 5 - Catch-up Day / Homework
You can go over the previous course content, complete any outstanding homework, or re-watch any videos, ready for tomorrow.
Day 6 - Words to Practice
Day 7 - Short Sentences
It’s time to move on from sounds and start short sentences, phrases and words particular to the accent.